Estudi geomorfològic de la dinàmica nival i del risc d'allaus a la vall Farrera (Pallars Sobirà)


  • Montserrat Mases i Coberó


In this paper we present a study about avalanches realized in the Ferrera basin, located in the western catalonian Pyrenees (Fig. 1). On one hand, mapping of the avalanche path location leads us to propose a classification of the different morphologies of the snow avalanche paths. These morphologies are the result of the avalanche adaptation to the previous glacial relief.
An avalanche risk map have been constructed using the avalanche path location map. In this work we discus about its construction and its utilities. On the other hand, we discus the geomorphological consequences of avalanches and its contribution in fan construction deposits.
From our observations we conclude that the contribution of the avalances in the formation of intramuntaine fans is minimal.


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