La vegetació culminal dels massissos de Besiberris i de Mulleres (Pirineus centrals catalans)


  • Enric Ballesteros i Sagarra
  • Víctor Canalís


The vegetation of summits (mainly from 2,800 to 3,000 m) of Besiberris and Mulleres granitic massifs (districts of Alta Ribagorca and Vail d'Aran, in the Central Catalan Pyrenees) is studied by phytosociological methods. Bryophytes and lichens are included in the erelevese, which correspond to the following associacions and alliances: Saxifragetum iratianae (Androsacion vandellii, vegetation of rocks), Gentiano-Caricetum curvulae and Saxifrago-Minuartietum sedoidis (Festucion airoidis, vegetation of landings with soil), Oxyrio-Doronicetum viscosae (Androsacion Alpinae, vegetation of rocky places and cliff bases with glaciers) and Omalotheco-Mucizonietum sedoidis (Salicion herbaceae, vegetation of snowdrifts).


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