Noves dades sobre trematodes digenis paràsits de petits mamífers (insectívors i rosegadors) al Delta de l'Ebre


  • Jordi Torres
  • Mercedes Gracenea Zugarramurdi
  • Carles Feliu José
  • I. Montoliu


The helminthological study of 2068 hosts (509 Insectivores and 1559 Rodents) coming from 21 sites of Ebro Delta (NE of the Iberian Peninsula) has provided the finding of 9 Digenetic Trematodes species. The incidence of the parasitic species in the analysed small mammals Crocidura russula (Hermann, 1780) (Insectivora: Soricidae), Rattus rattus Linnaeus, 1758, Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769, Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Rodentia: Muridae) and Arvicola sapidus (Miller, 1908) (Rodentia: Arvicolidae), and the influence of the main bioecological factors on the presence of Trematode species in the host are discussed.


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