Aportación al conocimiento de las comunidades de líquenes saxícolas de los pisos inferiores de Tenerife (Canarias)


  • Xavier Llimona i Pagès
  • José María Egea Fernández
  • Consuelo Hernández-Padrón


After a brief visit to 7 localities of Tenerife island, the authors offer a list of 95 taxa, some of them new or interesting to the island (Buellia caloplacivora, Caloplaca aetnen-sis, Lecanora montagnei, Lichinella stipatula, Peltula omphaliza, P. placodizans, Gyalecta schisticola, Psorotychia frustulosa, Pyrenopsis rhodosticta, Thelenella sampaiana), and give a first insight of the lichen communities growing on volcanic rocks. The phytosociological sketch obtained fits well with that of SE Spain coasts, previously studied by the authors, in similar ecological conditions. Specially remarkable is the orange belt of the Xanthorietum resendei subas. caloplacetosum gloriae, on the sunny coastal rocks (10-100 m), and the pale yellowish Pertusarietum gallicae, on not insolated surfaces, with an important presence and dominance of Lecanora suiphurella, typical of the island. The high variability of this community is described. Other interesting associations are the Peltuletum obscuranto -euplocae, on rain-tracks, Solenopsoro-Diploicietum subcanescentis, on shaded rock surfaces, rich in terreuns materials, and Roccellion canariensis, with two coastal ombrophobous communities, one of them undescribed, rich in Dirina massiliensis (=D. Schistosa) and Lecanactis sp. pl., and a second, more photophilous, rich in fructiculose lichens as orchil species of Roccella, the Roccelletum canariensis.


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