"Aegeritella superficialis" Bal. et Wis. and A. "tuberculata" Bal. et Wis. ("Deuteromycetes"), epizoic fungi on two "Formica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)" species in the Iberian Peninsula


  • Jerzy Wisniewski
  • Xavier Espadaler i Gelabert


Aegeritella superficialis Bał. et Wiś. and A. tuberculata Bał. et Wiś., epizoic fungi on Formica decipiens Bondr. and F. pressilabris Nyl., are new records for the Iberian Peninsula; both ant species are new hosts for the fungi. Bulbils are more abundant at the rear of the body suggesting that ants partially control the spread of the fungus over its body by auto and allogrooming.


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