Geomorfologia glacial de la Ribera del Cardós (Lleida)


  • Alexandre Verdaguer i Andreu


The Cardos Valley has a glacial morphology. Two kinds of glaciations and some traces of a previous one can be clearly distinguished. Two basins, which were joined at Tavascan, gave rise to the principal valley which ex'Lended until Tirvia.
The next to last glaciation was the one which caused a major mobilization of ice and a greater glacial erosion in the area of the glacier tongue. Basically the last glaciation dug out over 1,500 m above the sea level, being much less intense than the preceding one. The last glacial events reworked the old glacial cirque forming nivation cirques or small cirque glaciers which disappeared either because of a fusion or because they degenerated into rocky glaciers, except for the Sotllo hanging glacier, above the Broate zone, which remains still active but in process of extinction.


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