Calcio, fósforo y metales del sedimento de la laguna de la Massona (Girona)


  • María Pilar López Laseras


This paper reports the results of an exploratory investigation of the chemical composition of sediments from La Massona, a coastal lagoon located in the Aiguamolls de l'Empordà area (salt marshes in Girona, Spain). Calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, lead and chromium were analized. The observed values were consistent with previous studies of water characteristics. Anoxic hypolimnion in the lagoon caused a relative impoverishment of the sediment in calcium (mean concentration, 79.9 mg/g), manganese (mean concentration, 286 ppm) and phosphorus (mean concentration, 752 ppm), whereas iron and chromium increased (mean concentrations, 3.91 % and 58.7 ppm respectively). Iron and manganese vertical profiles were opposed: iron rose in depth and manganese decreased. Both elements showed a negative correlation between them ( r=-0.50).
Results suggest that reduced conditions in the bottom are quite constant in the lagoon, and a change in the inputs has taken place in the past, probably because of a lower influence of seawater.


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