Sobre la distribución geográfica de los géneros "Monacha" y "Helicigona" "(Mollusca: Pulmonata: Helicidae)" en la Península Ibérica


  • Carlos E. Prieto


The distribution of four species, Monacha cartusiana, M. cantiana, M. (Ashfordia) granulata and Helicigona lapicida, in the Iberian Peninsula, compiled from both previously recorded and unpublished data, is presented and discussed herein. Confirmed first locatings in the Iberian Peninsula are indicated (the only known citation of M. cantiana in the peninsula from San Pedro de Nieva, Asturias, sub Helix (Theba) cantiana- is an erroneous identification and corresponds instead to Theba pisana). As regards the other three species, new geographical data are given on the locating of H. lapicida in Old Castile, M. cartusiana in Andalusia and M. (A.) granulata in Cantabria, in each case for the first time. Short descriptions with figures of shell and genitalia, as well as maps with UTM coordinates, are provided for all four species.


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