Novedades para la fauna de Limoniidae y Tipulidae (Diptera) en la Península Ibérica y actualización de la lista de especies para el Parc Natural de Collserola, Cataluña


  • Jorge Mederos López
  • Bernat Claramunt López
  • Eulalia Eiroa


In this paper, the number of known species of the Collserola Natural Park is increased, of which Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) lorettae Geiger, 1985 constitutes the first record for the Iberian Peninsula and Tipula (Mediotipula) sarajevensis Strobl, 1898 it is also the second record for the territory. In addition, Prionolabis schmidi Starý, 2006 is cited for the first time for the Iberian Peninsula with material studied from Andorra and Limonia nigropunctata nigropunctata (Schummel, 1829) is the first record for Andorra and second for the Iberian Peninsula; Dactylolabis (Dactylolabis) sexmaculata (Macquart, 1826) is the first record for Spain (from Barcelona); and finally, for Dicranomyia (Glochina) mediterranea Lackschewitz, 1942 and Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) goritiensis (Mik, 1864) (both from Cuenca) its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula is widened, resulting in being the second and third time (respectively) that are captured in that area.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna