Noves dades sobre líquens i fongs liquenícoles dels substrats rocosos carbonatats a Catalunya
The study of calcicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi in Catalonia began in the 1980s. These studies cover more or less areas of the southern mountains, the Pyrenees and the northern coast of Catalonia, but the calcareous mountains of the central coast have less been sampled. As a result of both the grade' and master' final works of the first author, focused on Parc del Garraf, and the most recent expeditions of other calcareous areas a catalogue has been obtained with 133 species, among these, 13 are new reports for Catalonia. Furthermore we highlight that the family of lichinaceae, a group well represented in the studied area, there are new reports for Catalonia, both the genus Peccania and the following species: Lichinella algerica, L. sinaica, Peccania coralloides, Psorotichia murorum and Thyrea girardii. From this family, we found sterile thalli that they have been attributed to Lichinella granulosa, Peccania cerebriformis, Psorotichia diffracta and Psorotichia frustulosa, species that also would be new for Catalonia. The high difficulty to identify species of this group and the presence of sterile thallus precludes us to consider them as new species for CataloniaDownloads
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