New techniques of heating in Barcelona during the second half of the XIX century


  • Francesc X. Barca Salom Universitat Polotècnica de Catalunya


heating, xix century, Barcelona, industrial engineering training


Two works on heating were produced within the space of four years in the 1860s: Consideraciones generales acerca de las aplicaciones de ciertos principios científicos a la teoría y construcción de los aparatos de calefacción by Lucas Echeverria and Calentamiento y ventilación de edificios by Francisco de P. Rojas. The former was read as a paper in the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts in Barcelona in March 1864 and has remained a manuscript ever since. The latter, by contrast, was published and awarded a prize by the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences in Madrid in 1868. Both works were written by professors of the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona. We consider the two studies within their context, highlighting the innovations presented by the authors from the practical and theoretical perspectives. We show that these works, which were little known and little studied, formed part of the European trend of the time and are good examples of transfer of knowledge diffused by the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures of París to other countries.

Key words: heating, xix century, Barcelona, industrial engineering training

Author Biography

Francesc X. Barca Salom, Universitat Polotècnica de Catalunya

És autor d’estudis biogràfics de científics com: Onofre Jaume Novellas i Alavau (Torelló,1787-Barcelona,1849) Matemàtiques i Astronomia durant la Revolució Liberal. Ha realitzat treballs de recerca en arqueologia industrial com: El dic flotant i deposant del port de Barcelona. Construcció i posada en funcionament (amb X. Moreno). Ha publicat alguns estudis  sobre història de l’ensenyament tècnic a Catalunya com: Els inicis de l’enginyeria nuclear a Barcelona. La Càtedra Ferran Tallada (1955-1962) (Barcelona: 2002), L’Escola Industrial de Barcelona (1904-2004): cent anys d’ensenyament tècnic i d’arquitectura (amb A. Roca, G. Lusa, J. Rosell, R. Graus, M. Villaverde) i Fàbrica, taller i laboratori. La Junta de Comerç de Barcelona: ciència i tècnica per a la indústria i el comerç (1769-1851) (coord. amb M. Pont, C. Puig i P. Bernat).





