The Project of the Geological Map of Europe and the Involvement of Geological Surveys of Spain and Portugal


  • Jesús Ignasi Català Gorgues
  • Ana Carneiro


This paper focuses on the collaboration between the Geological Surveys of Spain and Portugal in the elaboration of the Geological Map of Europe, published in 1896. During the second half of the nineteenth century, Spain and Portugal consolidated their respective Geological Surveys and cartographic projects, and engaged in various forms of cooperation, because as neighboring countries they needed to produce consistent stratigraphic data from the border regions. From the 1880’s onwards, the publication of the Geological Map of Europe forced both countries to further negotiate their discrepancies as the
cartographic data from the Iberian Peninsula had to be integrated into the European map. This paper is a first attempt at approaching this topic, bearing in mind that such an enterprise had to confront distinct geological criteria adopted by different European countries.

Key words: geology, maps, geological surveys, internationalization, Spain, Portugal, 19th century





