Integração de Tópicos de História das Ciências no Ensino : Estudo de Caso: Energia no Ensino Básico


  • Magda Isabel Gonçalves Feliciano Marques


The present study refers to the integration of topics related to science history in chemistry teaching about energy. This is a concept that presents huge learning difficulty since the first moment. This investigation tried to conclude if the integration of topics of science history helped the students to better understand the concepts related to energy. At the end in the association test the students involved in the investigation had associated more correct word to stimulus related with the word Energy. The students that learn the concept of energy with resource of science history had better results in the evaluation than the students who had learn the concept through the traditional way. The interest of the students increased with this methodology in comparison with traditional classes.





IV Conference on the history of science and education Antoni Quintana Marí