The evolution of P2P networks for file exchange: The interaction between social controversy and technical change


  • Jairo Ares Blanco Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Eduard Aibar Puentes Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


P2P networks, file exchange, social shaping of technology, copyright controversy


Since the irruption of Napster in 1999, Peer-to-Peer computer networks for file exchange have been at the heart of a heated debate that has eventually evolved into a wide social controversy across the world, involving legal, economical, and even political issues. This essay analyzes the effects of this controversy on the technical innovations that have shaped the evolution of those systems. It argues that the usual image of a single two-sided conflict does not account for most of the technical changes involved. P2P entrepreneurs and creators show a wide range of motivations and business strategies—if any—and users are not a monolithic group with a common set of goals and values. As a result, the actual historical evolution of those networks does not follow a simple linear path but a more complex and multidirectional development.

Key words: P2P networks, file exchange, social shaping of technology, copyright controversy

Author Biographies

Jairo Ares Blanco, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Internet Interdisciplinary Institute


Eduard Aibar Puentes, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Professor agregat Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats (UOC, investigador al Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3 -UOC)





