Pere Felip Monlau i els epidemiòlegs i higienistes italians


  • Francesc Bujosa i Homar
  • Joan March i Noguera


In the Biblioteca Balear located in the monastery of Santa Maria de la Real of Palma de Mallorca we find the library of Pere Felip Monlau (1808-1871), his manuscripts as personals as professionals, so as all the correspondence received. Between the books of the library and the correspondence we find the publications and letters of more important Italians hygienists contemporary of Monlau. Letters of Pietro Betti (1784-1863), Angelo Bo (1801-1874), Agostino Cappello (1784-1858), Giuseppe Carbonaro (1800- 1858), Issaco Galligo (1822-1869), Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910), Giovani Battista Massone (1817-1864) and Salvatore de Renzi (1800-1872). Monlau knew them when he went to the International Sanitary Conference of Paris (1851-1852). The result of this relations were enhanced the publications of all they as so the your practices applications.





Inter-congress conference for Catalan-speaking doctors and biologists