Els Orígens de la casa Santiveri : Jaime Santiveri i la Lliga Vegetariana de Catalunya (Barcelona, 1908)


  • M. Pilar Lara Garcés


At the beginning of xxth century, it was founded in Barcelona La Lliga Vegetariana de Catalunya. This association was consisted for distinguished members of the Catalonian society, like doctors, manufacturers, bankers, industrial managers, businesses. All they were vegetarians and they were in favour of the medicine naturist practices. They often travelled by Europe and they knew the basics of the Vegetarianism movement in other countries and the prestigious sanatoriums in the north of Europe. The main objective of the association was spread the movement in Catalonian. The association organized different activities, one of them, the publication of Revista Vegetariana. Jaime Santiveri was the administrator of this magazine and he was the official dealer for Kneipp products in Spain from Farmacia Kneipp in Barcelona.





Inter-congress conference for Catalan-speaking doctors and biologists