The hunger during the Civil War in Catalonia. Nutritional recommendations of the Institut de Fisiologia of Barcelona



Spanish Civil War, Institut de Fisiologia of Barcelona, Catalonia, hunger, deficiency diseases, nutritional recommendations


The content of various documents kept in the Archive of the Juan Negrín Foundation (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) is studied, among which the minutes of a meeting held on July 2, 1938 at the Institut de Fisiologia of Barcelona stand out, in which the resources available to feed the Catalan population within the war scenario that was being experienced were analyzed and guidelines were offered to improve them and face the uncertainties that were coming. A preliminary tour of the food situation in the republican zone during the war is traced, focusing especially on the Catalan scenario, with a Barcelona in which the central government and the Generalitat coexisted. Monographs of that time related to food in times of war are also analyzed, as well as the experience of the members of the Institut de Fisiologia in matters of nutrition and their relationship during this period with the President of the Government Juan Negrín and his environment. The meaning of the recommendations offered by the Institut de Fisiologia and contemporary publications are discussed.




