Analysis of the communication processes of the journal Mujeres y Salud


  • Laia Lleó-Godall


feminist epistemologies, knowledge based on experience, Western medicine, hegemony, inclusion and exclusion processes


Mujeres y Salud is a scientific-medical knowledge communication magazine focused on women’s health. The magazine makes visible the sexist discourses of hegemonic Western medicine and makes available to its readerships truthful and unbiased information about health, giving voice to alternative discourses. In order to achieve this aim, it grants the epistemological agency to both experts and non-experts, giving importance to their individual and collective experiences around the health-illness process and communicating knowledge from this epistemological perspective. This paper analyzes the communicative processes of Mujeres y Salud magazine, analyzing both content and form, and especially who is given the epistemological agency, which processes of inclusion and exclusion are established, who are their audiences and how the established communication circuit could be improved.

Key words: feminist epistemologies, knowledge based on experience, Western medicine, hegemony, inclusion and exclusion processes




Awards for Master's Degreee Works in History of Science. 2019 Call