The Science of Health and Disease in the Descartes Thought


  • Joan Lluís Llinàs Begon Universitat de les Illes Balears


Descartes, History of Medicine, union soul-body, illness, self-knowledge.


The aim of this article is to characterize and think on the conception that Descartes has of the science of the health and of the illness, in order to value his validity and actuality. Thus, in the first place it explains the structure of the Cartesian science, and the place that occupies the medicine in it. Secondly, it defines the object of the medicine, and it delimits his scope and his limits. After characterizing the medicine as a science of the health, it addresses the question the illness, his causes and consequences, and how preventing it and treat it. Finally, it concludes with a reflection on the actuality of the Cartesian thought on this subject, and it defends that the science of the health is linked not only to the possession of knowledge on the operation of the human body, but also to the self-knowledge.

Key words: Descartes, History of Medicine, union soul-body, illness, self-knowledge.




Dossier: Descartes and the Medicine