Nova realitat jurídica, solucions antigues. Iniciatives i realitats a Suècia


  • David Elvira Benito


The technologic changes are challenging the Law. Law has traditionally been quite slow to react to such changes or to take profit of them. This article is a travel to this future (already present in some countries) following Swedish technologic projects that let us think about the legal questions that we are about to face up. Driverless vehicles are appearing on the roads. This lead to questions about artificial intelligence, legal personhood of robots, liability of autonomous robots or the new tax payers: robots. Block chain could be introduced in the Land Register according to a Swedish project. It seems as though the trust and legal certainty, basis of the Public Register could be jeopardized. Last but not least, the digital e-money. The Swedish society has become a cashless one. The Central Swedish Bank is working on a project about the e-krona, that is, e-money issued by an official entity, what differs from bitcoin, ether o similar e-money. That is a new reality that deserve a new approach.


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