Creativitat al servei del futur. El nou impuls de la Nanotecnociència Authors Guillermo Muñoz- Matutano Fernando Sapiña Abstract Creativity at the Service of Future Progress: New Boom in Nanotechnoscience.Currently, a host of research-project applications contain the prefi x nano. However, this could be more-closely related to a new industrial explosion than with the emergence of new conceptual proposals. Society has also been touched by the euphoria that, in some cases, could be called a “craze”- but proposals from the most cautious sectors are far from science fi ction. Among these we fi nd Biomimetics, which takes as a reference point the solutions that living beings have adopted during the evolutionary process. By uniting these technical and academic visions we generate a third more realistic view of these pet hates. Perhaps this is an alternative that provides collective genius creatively and possibly sustainably at the service of future developments. Downloads PDF (Català) Published 2012-10-08 Issue 65: Primavera 2010 Section Monogràfic