Apocryphal and Canonical Apostles and Magicians in the Missa in Diem Sanctorvm Petri et Pavli in the Liber Mozarabicvs Sacramentorvm


Palabras clave:

Visigothic-Mozarabic liturgy, Simon Magus, Bar-Jesus, Elymas, New Testament apocrypha, Acts of the Apostles, Divine Office


In all texts or artistic pieces devoted to Peter and Paul, it is rare to find them paired with the two magicians that they confronted in the Acts of the Apostles, respectively Simon Magus from Samaria and the Jewish false prophet Bar-Jesus, also known as Elymas the Magician in Cyprus. We have an example in the Missa in Diem Sanctorvm Petri et Pavli (hereafter Missa) found in the Liber Mozarabicvs Sacramentorvm. Sermons and liturgical texts typically include canonical and apocryphal New Testament accounts of Simon Magus, but not in conjunction with Elymas. The Missa contains a unique pairing of the two apostles and their magician opponents in a post-New Testament text. In this brief note we analyze how these texts were used in the Liber Mozarabicvs Sacramentorvm and what message was intended to be conveyed to those who heard it.


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