"Cum igitur in ecclesia [...] nobiscum pariter plebs uniuersa missam opperiretur" Precocitat en l'ús del terme missa per Sever, bisbe de Menorca (418)


  • Josep Amengual i Batle


The «encyclical» letter of bishop Severus of Menorca, whose see was in Iamona, is a propagandistic text that pretends to show to the whole world the wonders of God, by narrating the first massive conversion of Jews in the West, accomplished in Magona (Maó). The bloodless -but real- pressure exerted by the bishop during the week from 2nd to 9th february 418 are ommited. Every feature corresponds to a bishop of the Teodosian era. We focus in observing how both the bishop and the plebs christiana universa reacted to the intercession and thanksgiving prayer, expressed through hymns, chants, psalms, sometimes sung together with the Jews. The biblical text have influences from the north African pre-baptismal catechesis. The celebration of Eucharist, always presided over by the bishop and unanimously participated by the Christian community, stands out from the text. For the first time in Latin, the term missa is used in an autonomous way, without any apposition. All the mentioned celebrations take place on a working day. A single time the baptism request for a 102-year-old Jew is mentioned. The converted received the Signum salutare, previous to baptism. The ministerial structure of the church in Menorca is complete: there is the bishop, priests, clergy, and the letter is also addressed to deacons. The church buildings are described as basilica and ecclesia.


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