Influjos litúrgicos franco-catalanes en el brevario de San Juan de la Peña (El Escorial, Real Biblioteca, ms. f.IV.26)


  • Juan Pablo Rubio Sadia


The Roman liturgy of San Juan de la Peña monastery (Huesca), in the ancient ecclesiastical province Tarraconensis, has not been carefully studied despite the historiographical impact of the change in ritual in 1071. This paper investigates the liturgical influence that San Juan de la Peña monastery received from the French Midi and the Catalan bishoprics, seeking to take another step forward in the knowledge of the reception and codification process of the Franco-Roman rite in the Pyrenees area. The method is based on the comparative analysis of the series of responsories de tempore in a hundred Divine Office sources. As a source for the tradition of the Aragonese monastery, a 14-15th century breviary preserved at El Escorial (Real Biblioteca, MS f.IV.26) has been used; its responsory has been transcribed in an appendix.


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