Reconstitució parcial d'un homiliari catalanonarbonès del segle IX-X transmissor de sermons de Cromaci d'Aquileia


  • Francesc Xavier Altés i Aguiló


From the homiliari of the office València, Arxiu de la Catedral, ms. 78, the costumary Barcelona, Arxiu de la Corona dAragó, ms. Sant Cugat 42 and codicological fragments, we propose the reconstruction og a kind of homiliary of the office produced in the catalano-narbonese liturgical area, the origins of which are to be searched, provisionally, in the passage from the 10th to the 11th century. On the basis of a singular compilation of texts borrowed from the homiliaries of Alanus of Farfa and Paulus the Deacon, we can underline the presence of sermons from saint Cromatius of Aquilea, from the homiliary of Luculentius textes characteristic of the homiliary so-called of Toledo and sermons inedit or only recensed from Cersarius of Arles. The influence of this kind of homiliary in some other homiliaries of the office in Catalunya Vella is well attested and inequal at the same time.


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