Narbona y la romanización litúrgica de las iglesias de Aragón


  • Juan Pablo Rubio Sadia


The introduction of the romano-frankish rite in Aragón is attested, alredy in the 9th and 10th centuries, at least in two precise areas: the valleys of Echo and Ansó and the county of Ribagorza. In the initial phase of this process, lasting up to the 12th century in the restored dioceses of Zaragoza and Tarazona, the influence of the catalan -narbonese liturgical tradition is documented. However, the course of political and ecclesiastical events seems to slow down this irradiation coming from East (Septimania and catalan counties) and to foster another coming from North (Aquitaine and Gascogne). With the study of the sources for the Divine Office, the present paper aims to Clarify the ways of roman influence and its explanatory factors. With this purpose, a systematical comparison on the Matins responsorium series of proprium de tempore from the main sources is made.


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