La creu com a símbol cristià. Una placa central de creu del taller de Llemotges


  • Lourdes de Sanjosé i Llongueras


This paper consists of two sections. The first describes the historicalliturgical context of the cross and highlights its importance in ancient and medieval Christian art. A passage from Deuteronomy dealing with death by crucifixion is cited. It was a death considered disgraceful by the Jews, who therefore did not accept and have never accepted the symbolic value of the cross. In response to this, Saint Paul raised his voice to justify Christ's death. Likewise, other texts by Christian writers who defend this position are mentioned, and the value of the cross as a means of redeeming humankind according to the four Evangelists is considered. The second section analyses a central plaque of a cross from the Limoges workshop dating from the late 12th century. The cross is described and information is provided on its first publication in the form of a drawing in 1858, its chronology, its provenance from the Limoges workshop, and its high artistic quality. Lastly, it is compared with other cross plaques in order to place it in context.


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