Quan les paraules no mouen a compassió. Tragèdia, dansa i gestualitat a la novel·la d'Aquil·les Taci (III 10-11)


  • Roser Homar


Following the tradition of studies in ancient Greek novel where dramatic elements and various existing theatrical displays in the imperial era are studied, in this paper are largely commented the references to pantomime and tragedy that appear in chapters 10 and 11 of the third book of Leucippe and Clitophon. The relevant passage is also important because it anticipates the sacrifice scene, clearly mimic, of Leucippe (III book, chapters 14 and 15). Unlike the sacrificial scene, this monologue of Clitophon contains specific lexicon of pantomime and a reflection, although condensed and less explicit, on this dramatic genre, its function and utility. This reflection is very close to that we find more developed in other works, especially in The Dance of Lucian of Samosata. For this reason, other texts which refer to the same issues about pantomime and tragedy are quoted.


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Tragèdia grega: interpretació i posteritat