Differential expression of dnaA and dosR genes among members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex under oxic and hypoxic conditions Autores/as Claudia Badillo-López Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Arturo González-Mejía Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico A. Cecilia Helguera-Repetto Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Laura P. Salas-Rangel Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Sandra Rivera-Gutiérrez Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Jorge F. Cerna-Cortés Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Jorge A. González-y-Merchand Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Palabras clave: Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex · differential gene expression · hypoxia · cell cycle Resumen Major differences regarding the pathology and host immune response of the Beijing and Canettii genotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been reported; however, studies on the genetic expression of these genotypes during in vitro dormancy are scarce. This study examined the expression of five cell-cycle-related genes and two dormancy-related genes in M. canettii, M. tuberculosis H37Rv, and M. tuberculosis Beijing during the Wayne model of dormancy. The results showed that under hypoxic conditions the three tuberculosis genotypes were able to transcribe genes involved in DNA replication and cellular division. In addition, dosR was found to be up-regulated in M. tuberculosis Beijing during the exponential growth phase but down-regulated under hypoxic conditions. In this genotype, the replication-related gene dnaA was also strongly down-regulated. These latter two findings suggest that, compared to M. tuberculosis H37Rv and M. canettii, the Beijing genotype has a lower capacity to synthesize dosR, hspX, and dnaA mRNAs during in vitro dormancy. [Int Microbiol 2010;13(1):9-13] Biografía del autor/a Claudia Badillo-López, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Arturo González-Mejía, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico A. Cecilia Helguera-Repetto, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Laura P. Salas-Rangel, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Sandra Rivera-Gutiérrez, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Jorge F. Cerna-Cortés, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Jorge A. González-y-Merchand, Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Departament of Microbiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Descargas PDF (English) Publicado 2010-07-28 Número Vol. 13 Núm. 1 (2010) Sección Research Articles Licencia Submission of a manuscript to International Microbiology implies: that the work described has not been published before, including publication in the World Wide Web (except in the form of an Abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that all the coauthors have agreed to its publication. 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