Compostatge de residus sòlids urbans (RSU) : aspectes relacionats amb el nitrogen


  • Natàlia Molina
  • Montserrat Soliva i Torrentó


During the composting process it is necessary to control both the behaviour of the different forms of nitrogen and the stabilization of the organic matter. In the initial stage (decomposition) the organic nitrogen is transformed into ammonium but afterwards (during the maturation) its inclusion in the organic matter stable must be encouraged in order to avoid loss. On the other hand, the compost stability and its content of different nitrogen forms are important for establishing the dose to be applied. Sometimes insufficient maturity of the compost and its low nitrogen level cause immobilization problems.



How to Cite

Molina, N., & Soliva i Torrentó, M. (2001). Compostatge de residus sòlids urbans (RSU) : aspectes relacionats amb el nitrogen. Dossiers Agraris, (5), 61–72. Retrieved from