Charles Darwin: The scientist as hero


  • Richard Fortey


There are few figures that have attained quite the cultural significance of Charles Darwin. Here is the scientist as we (our fellow scientists) would like the creature to be portrayed: he was a good human being as well as a creative one and he stood for a scientific advance that could be grasped by everyone. His idea of common descent is a simple one and it really did change the way we see the world; just as knowledge of genes and the genetic code really has transformed biology and medicine. This article takes a look at Darwin and the history of life more specifically. It has become clear that the world evolved, and life with it. The story of the change from a world dominated by prokaryotes (lacking organised nuclei) at 3.5 billion years ago to the appearance of eukaryotes with nuclei and of sexually differentiated organisms at about 1300 million years ago, and thence to complex organisms that achieved large size 700 million years later is both a tribute to Darwinian intuition and a story with new developments which I will explore.





Celebration of the Darwin Year 2009