The Mediterranean: a synoptic overview


  • Carles Bas i Peired


The formation of the Mediterranean Sea from the former Tethys, and its geomorphological structure, with special reference to the Alpine orogenesis, are discussed. Special attention is given to the superficial circulation originating from the Atlantic, an essential factor in the Mediterraneans dynamics. Particular reference is made to the role of the seas straits and to the significance of the estuary effect. Furthermore, the action of the more important winds is considered insofar as they affect the Mediterraneans complex oceanographic dynamics. The dynamic actions of these winds are analyzed, as are the different factors contributing to the Mediterraneans higher than expected levels of productivity. The characteristics of the Mediterranean ecosystem are also analyzed from a different perspective, by considering the Mediterranean ecosystem as a single large unit, although the existence of very characteristic gradients is recognized. The disrupting influence of humans, through fishing and contamination, is acknowledged as one of the elements influencing the dynamic structure of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Finally, as a summary, a global view is put forward that seeks to integrate oceanographic, biologic, and socioeconomic factors with human dynamics. The goal is to integrate these disparate aspects into a unified, broad-ranging comprehension of the Mediterranean that will serve as the grounds for more sustainable planning.





Research reviews