Arab Spring or long desolate Arab Winter?


  • Nadia El-Awady Free-lance journalist

Palabras clave:

Arab Spring, Mohamed Bouazizi (Tunis, 2010), Egyptian revolution of 2011, Khaled Saeed (Alexandria 2010), Tahrir Square (Cairo)


On December 17, 2010, a Tunisian street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, publicly set himself on fire in protest against the municipality confiscating the cart on which he sold fruits and vegetables. He had been slapped by a female police officer and the municipality refused to accept the complaint that he lodged against her. A series of events followed, leading to revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya and the ouster of their long-standing rulers. Much has happened since then. Tunisia looks like it may be on a road towards democracy. Egypt, on the other hand, seems to be facing a more questionable future. Nadia El-Awady stood on the frontlines of the Egyptian revolution from January 25 to February 11, 2011. Three years on, she reflects on the current situation in Egypt, how it has affected her, her family, and those around her. The following is meant to be no more than the personal account, reflections, and opinions of one single individual who took part in the Egyptian revolution of 2011. It also includes her shortcomings. In no way is this to be considered a historical account or a political analysis of the events of the past three years. [Contrib Sci 11(1):27-35 (2015)]

Keywords: Arab Spring · Mohamed Bouazizi (Tunis, 2010) · Egyptian revolution of 2011 · Khaled Saeed (Alexandria 2010) · Tahrir Square (Cairo)

Biografía del autor/a

Nadia El-Awady, Free-lance journalist




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