Ibérica magazine (1913–2004) and the Ebro Observatory


  • Maria Genescà-Sitjes Ebro Observatory, Roquetes, Tarragona; University Ramon Llull-Spanish National Research Council (URL-CSIC), Tarragona, Catalonia


The popular science magazine Ibérica was founded at the Ebro Observatory 100 years ago. It was introduced and developed by Ricard Cirera i Salse, S.J., founder of the Ebro Observatory in Roquetes, at the Ebro Delta, southern Catalonia. From the start, Cirera advocated for the importance of spreading scientifi c and technological knowledge as well as the latest advances in these fi elds. The magazine Ibérica was the manifestation of his efforts. It contributed to the popularization of science throughout its history and thus to a better understanding of  scientifi c progress over the course of the 20th century. The present work aims to shed light on the context and setting of the project—its historical background, the relationship of the Society of Jesus to science and to the Jesuit Col·legi Màxim in Tortosa—as well as the path covered by the magazine from its inception in 1913 until the end of the publication, in 2005.

Keywords: Ibérica magazine · science and technology popularization · Ebro Observatory · Society of Jesus




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