The Barcelona Knowledge Hub of the Academia Europaea


  • Genoveva Martí Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science Faculty of Humanities, University of Barcelona


The Barcelona Knowledge Hub, a hub of the Academia Europaea, was set up in Barcelona in 2012 as the office for the Southern European region and the Mediterranean. The Academia Europaea is a pan-European, nongovernmental, not-for-profit association of over 3000 individual scientists and scholars who are recognised as experts and leaders in their own fi elds. It is commitied to identifying topics of trans-European importance to science and scholarship, and provides, where appropriate, its exper tise and its independent and impartial advice to European institutions, governments and international agencies concerning matters affecting science, scholarship and academic life in Europe. The Barcelona Knowledge Hub organises multidisciplinary ativities that consider the perspective of the social sciences and the humanities, with scholarly aims as well as the goal of promoting the dissemination of science.

Keywords: Barcelona Knowledge Hub; Academia Europaea; European higher learning, teaching and research; Disputatio of Barcelona 1263-2013; 26th Annual Conference of the Academia Europaea




Distinguished lectures