Joan Vernet i Ginés (1923-2011). In memoriam


  • Dolors Bramon Universitat de Barcelona


Joan Vernet i Ginés was born in Barcelona in 1923 and
died there on the 23rd of July 2011. He had a PhD in Philosophy and Humanities (Madrid, 1948), was a Full Professor at the University of Barcelona since 1954 and an
Emeritus Professor since his retirement in 1988. He was a
full number of the Academy of Belles-Lettres of Barcelona
(1959), the Académie Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences
of Paris (1960), the Scientific Council of the Spanish
National Research Council (1978), the Institut d’Estudis
Catalans (1978), the Royal Academy of History (1981),
the Royal Asiatic Society of London (1986) and the Société
Asiatique of Paris (1991), and a corresponding
member of the Academy of Science of Madrid (1981), the
Academy of Science of Baghdad (1985), the Academy of
Science of Barcelona (1986) and the Academy of Islamic
Studies of Amman (1991).




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