The Compromise of Casp. Violence and parliamentarism


  • Rafael Narbona Vizcaíno

Palabras clave:

Compromise of Casp, Mediaeval parlamentarism, Crown of Aragon, violence and political conflict, elites oligarchies and estates


The death of King Martin the Humane on 31 May 1412 left the throne of the Crown of Aragon without a direct heir, despite the diferent degrees of kinship of those aspiring to inherit it. The predisposition of the kingdoms’ political society to participate in an investigation into their rights until the best candidate was determined ushered in a new stage in the development of mediaeval parliamentarism. Simultaneously, the aspirants and their supporters among the nobility, urban elites and regents of the governing institutions participated in an increasing wave of violence and even open warfare over the years of the interregnum in an effort to secure the crown.

