

  • Albert Balcells Institut d'Estudis Catalans


When an annual scholarly journal reaches its fifteenth issue, it is time to celebrate the solidity it has gained from its constant perusal by readers, most of whom access it electronically and live outside the Catalan-speaking lands, although the content of our journal is equally useful for scholars from its geographic region. We continue to send
the paper edition of the Catalan Historical Review to all the universities where Catalan is taught and others where it is not, as well as to the universities located in the Catalan-speaking lands and some in the Spanish state. We are carrying on our mission to offer overviews of the latest breakthroughs on historical topics related to the Catalanspeaking lands. The abundance of the historiography produced fully justifies this type of journal, where the bibliographies cited are as useful as the abstracts personally written by the authors of each article.




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