The personal memoir in the Catalan lands (16th-19th centuries)


  • Òscar Jané Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The written tradition in southern Europe becomes more than just a category when we examine personal writings from the Modern Age. They are the writings of an entire society, one that is mostly prosperous but both urban and especially rural, whose authors set down
their personal memoirs primarily to understand their everyday lives and the events that were affecting society, both individually and collectively. If we compare them to the rest of Europe, Catalonia and all the Catalan lands conserve an important number of memoirs by
private individuals, along with others that merit special attention because of either their content or the way they can be used.

Keywords: Egodocuments, personal writings, literacy, written culture, women.

Biografia de l'autor/a

Òscar Jané, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Òscar Jané is an associate professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and coordinator of the Bachelor’s in Humanities since 2017. He has served as the ‘Ramón y Cajal’ researcher at the UAB (2010-2015), the ‘Beatriu de Pinós’ a researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona (2008-2010) and the ‘Juan de la Cierva’ researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2005-2008). He previously earned a post-doctoral fellowship at the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail (2004-2005) and had studied History at the Université de Montpellier and the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail (1994-1999). He holds a PhD in History from the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2003). For some time, his research interests have included frontiers, collective identities, local history and personal writings, and he is interested in conflict archaeology.




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