El Climograma nuvolositat-insolació com a indicador climàtic: aplicació a Catalunya


  • Josep Maria Núñez i Espallargas
  • Josep Pérez i Pérez


The purpose is the study of the most outstanding features of the simultaneous evolution of insolation and cloudiness in Catalonia.
To this object two tables are presented of the average values for all the catalan meteorological stations which were able to carry out this kind of observations. Twenty places provide data on insolation and only fifteen gather information on cloudiness. From all this stations eight have been selected (Barcelona, Barcelona Airport, Ebro Observatory, Girona, Reus Airport, Montseny and la Molina) all of which, in addition to having dates on insolation and cloudiness, had averages based on observation periods of over fifteen years.
For the study of the simultaneos evolution of both variables the climogram method has been used. And the analysis obtained from this has shown highly suggestive evidences, presupposing a contribution towards a more complete understanding of the climate of Catalonia.


Les dades de descàrrega encara no estan disponibles.


