Les pintures ocultes de la catedral de València
The Paintings in the Cathedral.At the end of the 15th century, Rodrigo de Borja, Cardenal of Rome and Bishop of Valencia, brought two Italian artists in his entourage, namely Francisco Pagano and Paolo da San Leocadio. He proposed they should decorate the main chapel “Capilla Mayor” of Valencia Cathedral and they painted the best Renaissance Artwork known in Spain. In the 17th century, however, the Archbishop Luis Alonso de los Cameros had the chapel
redecorated and the paintings were covered up. In 2004, when the chapel was being restored, the frescos were found to be in quite an acceptable state below the baroque vaulted ceiling. Nowadays, after dismantling the baroque ceiling and carrying out careful restoration, one can see these frescos in all their glory in Valencia Cathedral.