Anàlisis no destructives. L'ús de la fluorescència de raigs X en art i arqueologia
Non destructive analysis. The use of X-Ray Fluorescence in art and archaeology.Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) is a non destructive analytical technique with excellent performance used to characterize objects of historic and cultural interest that, with the development of portable equipment, enables in situ analysis to be carried out, transporting the analytical equipment to the works of art, be they in museums, churches, archaeological excavation sites or
centres for conservation and restoration. Here we will present examples of applications, carried out by the University of Valencia’s Archaeometry Unit “Unidad de Arqueometría del Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV)” using portable EDXRF spectrometers, which give an idea of their analytical potential for characterizing goods of cultural interest.