Inorganic nanoparticles and biology


  • Eudald Casals
  • Neus Bastus
  • Socorro Vázquez
  • Miriam Varon
  • Joan Comenge
  • Víctor F. Puntes


Biocompatibility, biodistribution, biodegradation, inflammation and interference with the normal functioning of cells and tissues are some of the features that determine the toxicity of engineered inorganic nanoparticles and carbon nanostructures, and therefore the potential extent of their use. Recent examples in the literature show that engineered inorganic nanoparticles and carbon nanostructures do not normally cause acute toxic effects. However, their interaction with living organisms may disrupt normal activity leading to disordersand disease. Nanoparticle-organism interactions, which can be used to detect and manipulate biological states and to heal damaged organs in an environment controlled by specialists, as in clinical cases, could lead to environmental and human health hazards if nanoparticles are released prior to adequate risk assessment and without proper controls. The central question is whether the unknown risks of engineered nanoparticles, in particular their impact on health and the environment, outweigh their established benefits for society. Therefore, to accurately evaluate the utility of these materials it is necessary to assess their potential toxicity.

